Vegetarian cuisine is a real opportunity for sustainable value creation in catering establishments. But how vast are the potentials really? And how can they be harnessed for your business?
The course 'Climate Ambassadors' - a gain for the environment and your business. It’s all about successful implementation of trendy and climate-friendly cooking.
Learn how to creatively deal with plant-based foods, how to target different trends and how to implement exciting seasonal dishes into your business - from planning to communication with guests.
Involvement and conveying the message to employees as the key to success.
Involve the guests with creative sales promotions (e.g. naming the menus, advertising according to target groups)
Theoretical and practical group work
Practical culinary implementation
... are supplemented with the theory modules.
Trend towards Seasonal Products; Seasonal Information on Food; Produce Knowledge (Trend towards Local Production); Sources of Supply (Organic Production); Vegan Food; Meat Substitutes and Food Innovations; Conscious Consumption; Between Culinary and Foodporn; Special Preparation Techniques; Food in the Media and as a Status Object; Food Between Culture and Spirituality.
Health and Food; Consequences of Industrialisation of Production; Protein Suppliers; Climate and Food; Climate Change and its Consequences; Scientific Method as a Solution; CO₂-Emissions from Production; CO₂-Emissions per Ship/Train/Truck; CO₂-Emissions from Organic Production; CO₂-Emissions from Packaging and Foodwaste; Implementation of Climate-friendly Menus; The New Climate Heroes, with Practical Examples; Resources and Food; Consequences of Resource Scarcity; Genetically Manipulated Food; Ethics and Animal Welfare; Dependence of Producers on the Market; Social Justice